Saturday, July 29, 2006

Rise in asbestos-related illnesses expected

Growing numbers of cancer cases are being put down to asbestos poisoning. According to Professor Dieter Koehler of the German Association for Pneumology , 110,000 people in Germany will fall ill to asbestos-induce diseases in the coming 15 years.

The reason is that many of those diseases have an incubation period of between 10 and 40 years. Asbestos has been banned in Germany since 1993 but “among work-related illnesses, more deaths are caused by asbestos than by fatal accidents in the work place.” Says Koehler.

Asbestos was widely used in the construction industry up until the 1070s. Diseases related to asbestos poisoning such as silicosis, lung cancer and tumors in the pleural region usually cause the early death of the patient. Even for people who stopped working with the material in the distant past, Koehler advises they have regular check up with a lung specialist who can examine them using X-ray or CAT scan.

A general rule is that the longer a person has come into contact with asbestos, the higher the risk of developing cancer. To complicate matters, cancer caused by asbestos are often diagnosed at a late stage and when the cancer cells have already reached other organs of the body, that is why early detection is so important.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Air travel tips

Traveling by plane can be a taxing experience, but there are ways to make your journey more comfortable.

  1. Take a pill

A link between air travel and a higher risk of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is widely suspected, but the causes are uncertain. Aviation Health (AH), an independent body dealing with aviation issues, suggest precautionary measures. Unless contraindicated, a low dose aspirin (100-1500mg) taken the day before a flight, on the day and for two or three days after can reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism by up to 60 per cent. Studies at Dokkyo University, Japan, meanwhile, found that a natural protein in fermented soya beans has an anti thrombotic effect similar to that of the anti-coagulant drug heparin. AH recommends NKCP Natto Tabs supplements (from, and compression socks to prevent blood pooling in the feet and lower legs.

2. Stay hydrated

Relative humidity in the cabin can be anything from 2 per cent-23 per cent, well below the 30 per cent-65 per cent comfort zone; and the fewer passengers on board, the drier the atmosphere. “Dry air hampers the respiratory system’s defences, so increasing susceptibility to infection,” says Professor Ron Eccles of the Common Cold Centre. He recommends sipping water before and during the flight, to keep sinuses moist and boost their effectiveness at flushing out viruses. And avoid carbonated drinks, says Farrol Kahn, director of AH: “At altitude, gases in the digestive system can expand by a third, causing abdominal pain.” One non fizzy alcoholic drink before takeoff is fine (to soothe pre flight nerves), but avoid it on board: alcohol dehydrates and further reduces oxygen supplies to the brain.

3. Don’t be calm

Nervous about takeoff? Hypnotherapist Ursula James ( says that, on the eve of a flight, you should try visualize yourself relaxed, walking on plane, sitting through the flight, then landing, cool and collected. If pre flight anxiety surfaces, it helps to imagine a tome when you felt eager, but not fearful, anticipation. ”Recalling an exciting rather than a calm event works with the physiology of stress,” she says. “Anxiety and excitement are identical in physical terms – short breath, butterflies and so on – so changing the psychological overlay from one to the other is easier than trying to force an opposite state such as calm.”

4. Shake a leg

Longer check-in times mean you’re likely to be waiting in terminals for many hours, most of them seated. Farrol Kahn advises taking a brisk walk at every opportunity, to bolster circulation. Pre-flight exercise will relax you, and also reduce the likelihood of in-flight aches and stiffness. On board, do the anti-DVT exercises that many airlines provide these days. Walk up and down the aisles when you can, too – “Aim for around 15 minutes movement every hour,” Kahn says.

5. Eat light

After a meal, the body diverts oxygenated blood to the gut to help fuel digestion. With up to 25 per cent reduced oxygen on board, eating heavily can strain the body and the digestive system, which will “summon” oxygen from anywhere it can-the brain included-leaving vulnerable to fainting should you then leave your seat. Instead, snack-lightly. Salads and fruit are good, because they are water-rich, so contribute to hydration, and contain mostly carbohydrates, which are comfortably digested. Avoid gas-producing food such as legumes or brassicas. “It’s also important to be hungry when you arrive at your destination, so you can fall in with local meal times.” Says Kahn. “This helps your body clock adjust to the new times zone.

6. Keep your hands clean

A 2002 study at the University of California found that, of 1,100 passengers flying from San Francisco to Denver, one-fifth reported cold symptoms within a week of arrival. “Every surface of the plane is covered in bacteria and viruses, not just those of your fellow passengers, but those of all the other international passengers who’ve flown on that plane in the past 24 hours,” says the Common Cold Centre’s Ron Eccles. He recommends regular use of alcohol-based hand wipes to protect against two of the more common means of disease transmission-into the eye or nose via infections gathered on fingertips.

7. Adjust your sleep patterns

A study by the Rush University Medical Centre in the US has revealed a possible strategy for advancing circadian rhythms preparation for eastward flight by using increased morning light exposure and doses of the sleep regulating hormone melatonin. Although available as a supplement, melatonin’s use for jag lag is not yet approved by the US Food and Drug Administration or endorsed by AH, because side effects cannot be ruled out. Instead, if flying east, “Go to bed early the day before you fly, have a catnap on the plane if you can, and sleep for only 45 minutes maximum if you need to when you arrive,” Farrol Kahn advises. And if flying west? You need to rewind your circadian rhythm-the best way is to stay up as late as possible on arrival. Time spent in bright light helps delay the onset of somnolence.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

This blog contains all about health and fitness
information. I hope this info can advantage for
promote our healty life. This information
collected from articles, journal and health media.
Keep the health.